Manga Catania

campi di volontariato in Giappone, associazione SCI (dai 18 anni in su)

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view post Posted on 11/6/2008, 06:45

Sono Rosario, responsabile per Catania e provincia del SCI (Servizio Civile Internazionale, associazione che organizza campi di volontariato in tutto il mondo), vi segnalo le opportunità di volontariato estive in Giappone con SCI e Lunaria.

Con simpatia da Rosario


9 campi estivi di volontariato in Giappone
età minima: 18 - età massima: 70


Nome: Aya Miyazaki
Organizzato con un gruppo locale di coltivatori di prodotti organici e con lo staff del Centro, i quali lavorano alla promozione di coltivazioni organiche sin dal 1999. Il paesaggio naturale è splendido, ma nonostante ciò la popolazione sta diminuendo, i bambini sono pochi, per cui il problema principale di Aya oggi, è l'invecchiamento della popolazione. Si cercherà di fare animazione in quest'area attraverso dei campi di lavoro. Lavoro: Si costituiranno 2/3 gruppi per
aiutare I coltivatori locali tagliando l'erba e raccogliendo le verdure. Si organizzerà un festival estivo e i volontari dovranno collaborare in tutte le fasi, dalla preparazione allo smantellamento. Se sarà possibile si faranno dei lavori all'interno della comunità. Parte studio: pianificare una città "affascinante". Saranno utili le informazioni ed il materiale portato dai volontari! Alloggio: stanze in comune. Il sacco a pelo è necessario! I volontari provvederanno alla preparazione dei pasti. Località: Sud-est di Kyushu Island. Circa 190 km da Fukuoka. Questa località è conosciuta per promuovere coltivazioni organiche e turismo sostenibile. Aeroporto più vicino: Fukuoka (6 ore con il bus). Da Osaka, 11 ore con il treno (alta velocità) e 16 ore con il pullman. Tempo libero: sport, giochi con i bambini, ecc. Richieste specifiche: Interesse ad approfondire la conoscenza della realtà locale. I volontari dovrebbero essere in grado di usare la bici, e non dovrebbero avere particolari esigenze dietetiche.

Data inizio: 18/07/2008 Data fine: 25/07/2008
Posti totali: 6


Nome: Kodomo-Mura Oita
Kodomo-mura Project organizza campi sin dal 1998 progettando delle vacanze estive per bambini. Vi partecipano ogni anno 30 bambini dagli 8 ai 15 anni. Questi giocheranno, cucineranno e vivranno a contatto con la natura per poter accrescere la loro indipendenza, sensibilità, spirito di collaborazione reciproca e conoscenza di culture e genti differenti.
Sarà necessario essere disponibili a spendere 24 ore al giorno con i bambini in questo periodo, ad eccezione di alcuni giorni liberi. Lavoro: La prima parte sarà dedicata ad una formazione per chiarire gli obiettivi del progetto. Successivamente si parteciperà alle attività con i bambini, insegnandogli canzoni, vivendo insieme e mostrandogli aspetti di culture diverse. I bambini saranno coinvolti nell'organizzazione quotidiana delle attività, per cui bisognerà rispettare e considerare le loro idee. Alloggio: in un centro della comunità e in tenda. Il sacco a pelo è necessario! I volontari dovranno preparare i pasti. Località: piccolo villaggio di montagna, nella zona centrale di Kyushu Island. Aeroporto più vicino: Fukuoka. Da Osaka, 9 ore con il treno ad alta velocità o 12 ore con il pullman. Tempo libero: Escursioni, feste a tema, etc. Richieste specifiche: i volontari dovrebbero amare i bambini e parlare/comprendere qualche parola di giapponese. Responsabilità, collaborazione e motivazione sono necessarie! Volontari esperti di giochi, canzoni, ricette e simili esperienze sono benvenuti. E' richiesta una lettera di motivazione!

Argomento: Attività sociali con bambini, ragazzi e anziani
Data inizio: 23/07/2008 Data fine: 25/08/2008
Posti totali: 12


Nome: Shirakami Aomori
Shirakami Nature School (SNS) organizza vacanze estive per 25 bambini dai 7 ai 12 anni nella località di Shirakami. Questi giocheranno, cucineranno e vivranno a contatto con la natura per poter accrescere la loro indipendenza, sensibilità, spirito di collaborazione reciproca e conoscenza di culture e genti differenti. Sarà necessario pertanto essere disponibili a spendere 24 ore al giorno con i bambini in questo periodo, ad eccezione di alcuni giorni liberi.
Lavoro: la prima parte sarà dedicata ad una formazione per chiarire gli obiettivi del progetto. Successivamente si parteciperà alle attività con i bambini, insegnandogli canzoni, vivendo insieme e mostrandogli aspetti di culture diverse. I bambini saranno coinvolti nell'organizzazione quotidiana delle attività, per cui bisognerà rispettare e considerare le loro idee. Parte studio: come vivono i bambini in nazioni diverse. Portare materiale! Alloggio: Una casa molto semplice.
Sacco a pelo necessario! I volontari dovranno cucinare. Località: Montagna di Shirakami, situate nella parte nord di Honshu Island, in una enorme area montuosa (130,000 ettari ai confini tra il distretto di Aomori e Akita). Richieste specifiche:I volontari dovrebbero amare i bambini e parlare/comprendere qualche parola di giapponese. Responsabilità, collaborazione e motivazione sono necessarie! Volontari esperti di giochi, canzoni, ricette e simili esperienze sono
benvenuti. E' richiesta una lettera di motivazione.

Argomento: Attività sociali con bambini, ragazzi e anziani
Data inizio: 24/07/2008 Data fine: 03/08/2008
Posti totali: 7


Nome: Takane Gifu
"Campo proposto in collaborazione con organi governativi dal 2000. Come accade in altri villaggi di montagna, qui il fenomeno dello spopolamento è serio. Gli abitanti sono rimasti in 650, allora hanno iniziato ad organizzare, alla fine degli anni '90 "il più grande festival pirotecnico in Giappone", ma non ci sono abbastanza persone che collaborano alla manifestazione, pertanto il campo di lavoro si è rivelato uno strumento importante. Inoltre, gli anziani della zona che
normalmente sono soli o isolati, sono stati molto felici di partecipare alle attività proposte. Lavoro: si organizzerà il più grande festival pirotecnico in Giappone (si potranno anche realizzare delle spugne in acrilico da vendere come piccolo contributo da destinare ad altre nazioni asiatiche). Aiuto agli anziani del centro di assistenza diurno per tagliare la legna per il fuoco. Lavoro nei campi di grano che rappresenta una nuova coltivazione per la comunità. Parte studio: Buone prassi per animare e creare collegamenti tra le aree spopolate in ogni nazione. Portare materiale informativo. Alloggio: Centro nel villaggio. I volontari potranno godere di un caldo clima primaverile ogni giorno. Sacco a pelo necessario. I volontari dovranno cucinare. Località: 450 km circa a ovest di Tokyo. La città più vicina è Takayama, una popolare cittadina turistica dalle strade e architettura tradizionali. Le bellezze paesaggistiche di Shirakawa-go non sono molto
distanti. Aeroporto più vicino: Nagoya (3 ore in treno). Da Tokyo, 5 ore in treno ad alta velocità o 8 ore in pullman. Tempo libero: Feste con il gruppo di giovani locali, visita alla scuola media, escursioni, etc. Richieste specifiche: Motivazione ad organizzare attività di animazione nel villaggio

Data inizio: 26/07/2008 Data fine: 08/08/2008
Posti totali: 15


Nome: Showa-mura
Campo organizzato in collaborazione con Terakoya-Hojyosha che gestisce una scuola per ragazzi che, per differenti motivi, non potrebbero andare a scuola. Showa-mura è un villaggio rurale immerso nella natura, ma che purtroppo è stato colpito da un rilevante spopolamento. Le case vuote e le fattorie abbandonate aumentano rapidamente. L'organizzazione ha cercato di migliorare e fare animazione in questi luoghi. Lavoro: sarà indirizzato al sostegno di
fattorie locali, e masserie di coltivazioni floreali. Terakoya-Hojyosha si occupa di recuperare e coltivare fattorie abbandonate o riparare edifici scolastici dimessi. Il sostegno dei volontari in queste attività è molto importante. Si prevede la partecipazione a numerosi eventi locali. Parte studio: organizzare attività a contatto con la natura. I volontari sono invitati a portare materiale inerente ad esperienze di scuole in contesti rurali. Alloggio: in una scuola abbandonata.
I volontari dovranno organizzare turni di cucina. E' necessario portare il sacco a pelo Località: villaggio di Showa, piccolo villaggio nella foresta, la popolazione è di circa 19,000 abitanti. I volontari godranno di un caldo clima primaverile. Aeroporto più vicino: Tokyo ( 5 ore da Tokyo in bus).Tempo libero: escursioni, feste, etc. Richieste specifiche: interesse per i temi specifici del campo di lavoro.

Data inizio: 27/07/2008 Data fine: 09/08/2008
Posti totali: 10


Nome: Ayagami Kagawa
Organizzato con l'ONG locale "Ayagami Kodomo no sato, international school" dal 2007. Il fenomeno migratorio verso le grandi città riduce il tasso di nascita e l'invecchiamento della popolazione rappresenta un serio problema specialmente per i centri più piccoli. C'erano diverse scuole elementari nella città, ma alcune sono state chiuse. Ayagami Kodomo no sato, international school ha pensato ad un nuovo tipo di scuola, dove I bambini possono fare
esperienze a stretto contatto con la natura, in fattorie, prendendosi cura degli animali. ecc. Lavoro: costruire case sugli alberi, partecipare alle attività ludico-ricreative previste per i bambini, es. nuotare nel fiume, prendersi cura degli animali, studiare, coltivare nel giardino della scuola e cucinare con prodotti locali. I volontari sono invitati a documentarsi su dei giochi delle loro nazioni da poter fare con i bambini. Parte studio: si esamineranno alcune esperienze di scuola "libera" anche in altre nazioni. Informazioni e materiale dei volontari saranno utili! Alloggio: in una scuola. I volontari dovranno organizzare turni di cucina. E' necessario portare il sacco a pelo. Località: 160 km a sud-ovest di Osaka, nell'area di Shikoku. Aeroporto più vicino: Osaka (6 ore in treno). Da Tokyo, 4 ore con il treno ad alta velocità o 10 ore con il pullman. Tempo libero: feste, passeggiate all'aria aperta, etc. Richieste specifiche: Motivazione a voler lavorare e
supportare I bambini durante le attività.

Argomento: Attività sociali con bambini, ragazzi e anziani
Data inizio: 30/07/2008 Data fine: 30/08/2008
Posti totali: 10


Nome: Ogata Oita
Organizzato sin dal 2002 da un gruppo locale formato da diversi soggetti: rappresentanti della pubblica amministrazione, coltivatori di agricoltura organica, cittadini. La città di Ogata è rinomata per i suoi tulipani. Gli abitanti erano 6.500, insieme con quelli della città di Bungo-ono . Malgrado questo splendido paesaggio naturale, la popolazione sta diminuendo, specialmente i bambini sono pochi, per cui il problema principale di Ogata oggi è l' invecchiamento della popolazione. Si cercherà di promuovere attività di animazione in questa area anche attraverso dei campi di lavoro. Lavoro: Si costituiranno 3/4 gruppi per supportare I coltivatori locali tagliando l'erba e raccogliendo le verdure. I volontari parteciperanno alle attività di animazione per bambini, per alcuni giorni. Si organizzerà il tradizionale "the Kodai festival" e i volontari collaboreranno in tutte le fasi, dalla preparazione allo smantellamento. Parte studio: Buone prassi per animare e creare collegamenti tra le aree spopolate in ogni nazione. Portare materiale informativo sul tema. Alloggio: Stanza in comune. Il sacco a pelo è necessario!. I volontari provvederanno alla preparazione dei pasti. Località: Ogata è una città molto gradevole. C'è una grande cascata chiamata "the Oriental Niadara falls", che si trova vicino il confine con il distretto tra Oita e Kumamoto. Aeroporto più vicino: Fukuoka (5 ore in treno & bus). Da Osaka, 9 ore con il treno
veloce o 13 ore con il Pullman. Tempo libero: la comunità locale è gioviale e sarà felice di fare conoscenza con i volontari. Clima caldo primaverile. Richieste specifiche: Interesse per i temi specifici del campo di lavoro.

Data inizio: 02/08/2008 Data fine: 16/08/2008
Posti totali: 10


Nome: KOSUGI (Yamanashi)
La fattoria Kosugi è localizzata nell'area montana a 100 Km ad Ovest di Tokyo. Nel 1997, il primo campo lavoro è cominciato con la costruzione di un rifugio per coloro che hanno abbandonato gli studi nella comunità locale. Recentemente il progetto sta svolgendo programmi con la comunità locale rivolti a un gruppo di età mista per imparare ad armonizzare la propria vita con l'ambiente circostante. Il nuovo progetto è stato proposto e coordinato dagli attivisti locali e ha coinvolto i contadini al fine di creare un parco giochi dove i bambini potessero sentirsi più vicini alla natura. Il lavoro include la pulizia del bosco per migliorare l'ambiente. Usando il legname preso dalla foresta, i volontari realizzeranno giocattoli per i bambini. La parte studio riguarderà la discussione sul lavorare in un contesto sociale critico. Al fine di partecipare al Festival di Bon Odori, i volontari impareranno le danze tradizionali di Bon Odori. Una vecchia, semplice casa in stile giapponese provvista di una cucina utilizzabile dai volontari. Tradizionale bagno di ferro, toilet con sciacquone e comodità per lavarsi sono disponibili. Portare il sacco a pelo e vestiti caldi per un clima fresco (sotto i 20 gradi Celsius la notte)

Argomento: Attività sociali con bambini, ragazzi e anziani
Data inizio: 03/08/2008 Data fine: 17/08/2008
Posti totali: 15


Nome: Hanawa Fukushima
Organizzato in collaborazione con KOBOSHA, una ONG locale impegnata nello sviluppo della comunità fin dal 1996. In occasione del festival estivo "TORO NAGASHI" si costruiscono delle lanterne per poi lasciarle galleggiare nel fiume. Questo è un festival tradizionale giapponese. Si fabbricherà una grande "TORO" (lanterna 2 metri x 2) durante il campo di lavoro. Il nostro obiettivo è riuscire a fare animazione sul territorio attraverso i campi. Gli abitanti, grazie alle
esperienze susseguitesi, hanno cercato di migliorare e sono tornati ad essere orgogliosi del loro territorio. Lavoro: I volontari aiuteranno nella costruzione di 4 grandi lanterne "TORO" (2 x 2 m) e centinaia di lanterne più piccole assieme agli studenti locali. I volontari possono sfoderare la loro creatività personalizzando le loro lanterne. Sarà necessario un duro lavoro fisico. Parte studio: I festival più importanti in diverse nazioni. Materiale informativo sarà utile! Alloggio: Centro pubblico sportivo. Il sacco a pelo è necessario!. I volontari prepareranno i pasti. Località: A sud di Fukushima (circa 150 km a nord di Tokyo), piccolo centro, 80% del quale è foresta. Aeroporto più vicino: Tokyo, 5 ore in treno. Tempo libero: sport, feste, etc. Richieste specifiche: Interesse nel costruire le lanterne "TORO", a conoscere la cultura giapponese e a collaborare con la gente del luogo!

Data inizio: 04/08/2008 Data fine: 18/08/2008
Posti totali: 14


4 opportunità di volontariato a medio termine (3 mesi)


dal: 04.2008/ 07.2008
code: NICE/LM09
location: Abukuma 1 (Fukushima)
country: Giappone
lavoro: Ambientale
lingua: Giapponese base
durata: 3 mesi
kind of project: mtv
descrizione: Host organization is Abukuma Nature School Network. The theme of this organization is learning from soil and nature, and live together! and to make it into practice, they organize many programs and activities for ranging from kids to adults. For example, they organize nature school, class room for farmer, foresters, and organic farming group, visiting local school, 2 weeks nature camp for kids, etc. They are hoping to make these programs more active and make better relationship between local community and organization.

W: Work S: Study A: Accommodation L: Location
Q: Special Qualification T: Terminal (nearest airport)

W: Planning, preparing and organizing above events, programs with other staff. Agricultural and
forest works are also very important.
S: Organizing nature activities. Please bring some information of nature school in your country.
A: Single room of nature school. Pocket money of 20,000 yen per month
L: Small village in forest area, the population is about 5,000. Village is surrounded by rich nature.
T: Tokyo (2 hours and half from Tokyo by bus)
Q: Speaking some Japanese, strong motivation for the host. Interests in informal education and
nature activities. Experience of similar types of work is welcome!


dal: 01.2008/ 04.2008/ 07.2008
code: NICE/LM07
location: Kikuya (Ehime)
country: Giappone
lavoro: Artistico, Agricolo
lingua: Giapponese (buono)
durata: 3 mesi
kind of project: mtv
descrizione: The host organization is, Kikuya Community Group, which local young people formed to think of the future of their small village. Ikata town is famous for Oranges and the main industry of the town has been making oranges. But the town has been facing the depopulation, lack of workers and ageing society since most of young people leave the town. So, the number of abandoned orange farm is increasing and the town is losing its tradition, life, custom and scenery. The group is strongly hoping to host volunteers and working together to animate the town and revive orange farms.

W: Work S: Study A: Accommodation L: Location
Q: Special Qualification T: Terminal (nearest airport)

W: Helping orange farm (harvesting, taking care of trees, etc. this is a main work), organizing culture, language class for local people and kids, supporting old people who live in alone (being with them, talking with them), organizing new activities to animate the town (planning & organizing activities)
S: Organic farming and rural development. Bring some info.!
A: Volunteers house. Single room. Cooked by yourselves. Pocket money is 20,000 yen/ month.
L: The town is located in Satamisaki Peninsula in Ehime prefecture. It is surrounded by the sea, so fishing is also famous as well as oranges. There are only 30 houses in this community.
T: Matsuyama. From Matsuyama, about 2 hours by train and bus
Q: Speaking good Japanese, strong motivation for the host. Respecting local custom and life. Open mind and flexibility is important.


dal: 01.2008/ 04.2008/ 07.2008
code: NICE/LM02
location: Monyongoro Mura (Tochigi)
country: Giappone
lavoro: Ambientale, Agricoltura, Disabili
lingua: Giapponese base
durata: 3 mesi
kind of project: mtv
descrizione: Host organization is a local NPO Monyongoro village, where 4 mentally disadvantaged people live and work together. This group is not only working for social works but also community development, promoting organic farming and environment conservation. Through these activities they aim to develop and maintain the kindest village in world. We NICE organize a governmental youth support program, Wakamono-Jiritsujuku, which support youth at difficulties so called NEET.

W: Work S: Study A: Accommodation L: Location
Q: Special Qualification T: Terminal (nearest airport)

W: Organic farming (planting, weeding, cultivating, harvesting, to make organic vegetables blue-berry, reviving abandoned rice fields). Forest works (Making fire woods, cutting grasses), Empowering NEET youth (Communication with them, they can get confidence by the experiences of communicating foreign people, organize language class) for 2 or 3 days a week.
A: A building of the village. You'll have your own room. There is NO pocket money.
S: About Youth Empowerment, organic farming, group home. Bring some info.
L: Agricultural countryside, about 100 km north of Tokyo. The population is about 12,000.
T: From Tokyo, about 3 hours by train and bus
Q: Speaking some Japanese, interested in social works (especially youth issue), cooperative, kind and open mind. This is very difficult program, so we need your strong cooperation !

*** About Wakamono-Jiritsujuku ***
Wakamono-Jiritsujuku is a governmental project for young people who are so called
N.E.E.T(Not in Employment, Education or Training) This is a big social problem in Japan
that the number of youth who do not want to work or who cannot work has been increasing
rapidly. They have different reasons to become N.E.E.T situation, like no motivation
to work, mental problem, spoiled, hardship of communication with others, bad social situation
of employment, change of employment system… etc. We empower them for their better life through this 3 months program. About 10 Japanese youth will be involved in this program every term.


dal: 03.2008/ 06.2008/ 09.2008
code: NICE/LM01
location: Shintoku (Hokkaido)
country: Giappone
lavoro: Agricoltura; Costruzione
lingua: Giapponese Base
durata: 3 mesi
kind of project: MTV
descrizione: Host organization is Kyodo Gakusha shintoku farm, a cooperative community where people with various backgrounds such as mentally disadvantaged, people who are tired of city life, who wants to learn farming, etc. They have five communities in Tokyo, Nagano and Hokkaido and grow animals and vegetables in ecological, organic way with utilizing Bacterium. Their cheese got the 1st prize in the national contest! They are hoping to build new houses for residents this year.

W: Work S: Study A: Accommodation L: Location
Q: Special Qualification T: Terminal (nearest airport)

W: Constructing houses (making basement, constructing frameworks, etc.), various agricultural works (planting, weeding, cultivating, harvesting, to make organic vegetables taking care of animals), etc.
S: Similar types of communities in each country and future networking. Bring some info.!
A: Share room of Kyodo Gakusha, cooking as a group by turn (vegetarian is possible!)
L: Agricultural country side, 120 km east of Sapporo. -20 degree in winter and 20 in summer.
T: Sapporo (2 hours by express train). From Tokyo, 13 hours by bullet train or 32 hours by ship.
Q: Speaking some Japanese, strong motivation for the host. Skills of agriculture or construction
can be useful!


40 campi in Giappone con Nice


dal: 28/03/2008 al: 06/04/2008
code: NICE/28
location: Iwaki (Fukushima)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 8
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: si
extrafee: nessuna
work: ART

PROJECT: Newly organized together with Iwaki International Exchange Information Center is a rural NPO established in 2007 to promote international understanding in Iwaki area. They organize the events concerning the art and international exchange, etc to achieve regional development. There is one of the biggest cherry blossom trees in Iwaki, it's a sightseeing spots. They have the cherry blossom festival every April for local revitalization. We will support it by the international voluntary power.
WORK: We will support the cherry blossom festival. We will mainly cut bamboo trees to make lanterns with the local people. This work will be good also to maintain the bamboo forests since the bamboo trees are grown too fast and make the forests too crowded unless we take care of it.
ACCOMODATION: Local house. Cooked by volunteers.
LOCATION: Iwaki City is located on the southeast edge of Fukushima Prefecture, and the south end bounds to Ibaraki Prefecture.
TERMINAL: From Tokyo, 2 hours by bullet train
GENERAL REMARKS: Unique festivals in each country. Bring some info.! Exchange parties with locals, excursion, etc. Motivation to activate the village is requested.


dal: 24/05/2008 al: 01/06/2008
code: NICE/33
location: Shirakami 2 (Aomori)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 7
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: nessuna
work: ENVI

PROJECT: Organized together with Shirakami Mountains Preservation Society (SMPS) since 06. The Shirakami Mountains is a huge mountainous area and one of Japanese valuable preserved natural forests consisting primarily of beech trees. It was registered as a World Natural Heritage in 1993 and SMPS aims to help preserving the natural beauty of the Shirakami Mountains, so we try to maintain this forest by the global voluntary power!
WORK: We will do various types of nature conservation works such as 1) Cutting glasses to improve ecological richness of the forest and 2) Maintain the forest with the villagers. We will also help local farmers. Part of Greening Asia.
ACCOMODATION: A simple house. Cooked by volunteers
LOCATION: The Shirakami Mountains, located in the northern part of Honshu Island, is a huge mountainous area (130,000 hectares on the border between Aomori and Akita Prefectures).
TERMINAL: Tokyo (7 hours by bullet train or 10 hours by bus)
GENERAL REMARKS: Exchange parties, excursion, etc. Volunteers must be prepared to work outside in good and bad weather and have motivation to actively work in the forests with local people! Similar kind of activities in each country and Greening Asia. Bring some info!


dal: 30/05/2008 al: 12/06/2008
code: NICE/31
location: Shirakawa-Go (Gifu
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 10
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: nessuna
work: ENVI

PROJECT: Organized together with Toyota Shirakawa-Go Eco Institute (TSEI) since 2006. This NPO is run by some environmental NPOs, the local government and TOYOTA since 2005. It has 172 ha of land and organize various types of nature protection, cultural activities and nature discovery programs. They expect voluntary power and fresh wind to the workcamp, for example, to improve the sanctuary (edible glass garden) for endangered Gifu butterflies by enabling flowers grown more easily.
WORK: We'll do various types of conservation such as 1) Cutting glasses to improve ecological richness of the forest, 2) Planting trees with the villagers to recover the forest in the hill of soils which was produced by the big road construction and 3) Improving the sanctuary for the butterflies. Part of Greening Asia.
ACCOMODATION: A house with a steep rafter roof (World heritage!!) and Employee's lodgings. Meals are provided.
LOCATION: A small, mountain village famous for its beautiful and traditional buildings registered as the World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 1995. 96% of the land is forest here! 2 hours from Takayama.
TERMINAL: Nagoya (3 hours by express train & bus). From Tokyo, 7 hours by bullet train or 10 hours by bus.
GENERAL REMARKS: Merits and demerits as the World Heritages and future plan of TSEI. Bring some info.! International cooking parties, excursions, etc. Motivation to nature protection is requested.


dal: 15/06/2008 al: 28/07/2008
code: NICE/38
location: Kurikoma 2 (Miyagi)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 4
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: nessuna
work: ENVI

PROJECT: Organized together with Kurikoma Plateau Nature School (KPNS) founded in 1996 since 06. KPNS reviews relations of humans and nature, and is offering the place where happier life can come. They provide various nature-oriented courses, eco-tour, kids programs and independence support of the student who has difficult background. They have the eco-village plan, and environment-friendly life is practiced there for sustainable society.
WORK: We will do the various works needed in the KPNS and area such as farming and construction work. It will be physically hard work. We will prepare/ run/ clean the local summer festival. Volunteers will help with activities with the youth aged 18-25 years who has difficult background.
ACCOMODATION: Log cabin. Cooked by volunteer.
LOCATION: Center of Tohoku area, north part of Japan. Kurikoma specified for the quasi-national park can enjoy the beech wood and the alpine plant in all seasons. There is a snow of 2 meters in Feb & Mar.
TERMINAL: Tokyo (3 hours by bullet train or 9 hours by bus)
GENERAL REMARKS: Exchange parties, excursion, etc. The site is a no smoking area. Volunteers should not have any remarks on diet. They are have very motivated to work with youth. Unique nature school in each country.


dal: 22/06/2008 al: 30/06/2008
code: NICE/35
location: Shirakami 3 (Aomori)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 7
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: nessuna
work: ENVI

PROJECT: Organized together with Shirakami Mountains Preservation Society (SMPS) since 06. The Shirakami Mountains is a huge mountainous area and one of Japanese valuable preserved natural forests consisting primarily of beech trees. It was registered as a World Natural Heritage in 1993 and SMPS aims to help preserving the natural beauty of the Shirakami Mountains, so we try to maintain this forest by the global voluntary power!
WORK: We will do various types of nature conservation works such as 1) Cutting glasses to improve ecological richness of the forest and 2) Maintain the forest with the villagers. We will also help local farmers. Part of Greening Asia. We will also support to organize a symposium about the Shirakami Mountains.
ACCOMODATION: A simple house. Cooked by volunteers
LOCATION: The Shirakami Mountains, located in the northern part of Honshu Island, is a huge mountainous area (130,000 hectares on the border between Aomori and Akita Prefectures).
TERMINAL: Tokyo (7 hours by bullet train or 10 hours by bus)
GENERAL REMARKS: Exchange parties, excursion, etc. Volunteers must be prepared to work outside in good and bad weather and have motivation to actively work in the forests with local people! Similar kind of activities in each country and Greening Asia. Bring some info!


dal: 25/06/2008 al: 08/07/2008
code: NICE/36
location: Maki 1 (Nagano)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 8
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: nessuna
work: AGRI

PROJECT: Organized together with Maki Farm of Kyodo Gakusha (KG) since 00. KG is a NPO running 5 organic farming communities in Japan where people with various backgrounds such as mentally disadvantaged, those who want to learn farming, etc. in order to change our society from competitive to cooperative. Maki Farm has 5-10 members and is located in a very isolated area (not accessible for cars and we have to walk 4 km in the mountains), so once it became an abandon village in 1970s.
WORK: We will help their organic farming (weeding in rice and vegetable fields, planting vegetables, taking care of goats and chicken) and also carry the things from the town, renovate the trails, help their house work, etc. Be ready to work for quite a long time (05:30-18:00 with some brakes) and hard.
ACCOMODATION: Building for volunteers in the farm. Cooked by volunteers. There are some gas, electricity and water!
LOCATIONA: Very isolated, but beautiful place near "Japanese Northern Alps". About 900 meters asl. There are something remained here that most of Japanese areas have lost in modernization.
TERMINAL: From Tokyo, 4 hours by express train or 8-10 hours by bus and train.
GENERAL REMARKS: Visit to the elementary school, foot ball and baseball (optional), exchange party, etc. Physically strength. Agricultural or architectural skills are welcome! Motivation letter is needed! Similar type of communities in each country and their networking. Bring some info.!


dal: 27/06/2008 al: 10/07/2008
code: NICE/37
location: Special G8 Workcamp (Hokkaido)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 10
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: nessuna
work: ENVI

PROJECT: Newly organized together with Hokkaido International exchange Foundation (HIF), CCIVS, NVDA in strong cooperation with UNESCO and many others. G8 Summit will be held in Toyako, Hokkaido in 07-09 July and this is a special project to the summit 7 years after the similar practice in Italy. We aim to promote actions to prevent climate change all over the world and international voluntary service by utilizing this opportunity. Tanabata is a Japanese traditional custom to hang wish on bamboo trees.
WORK: We will mainly promote WTA (World Tanabata Action) to plant seeds/ seedlings and write "my action" on the papers, in elementary schools, Indigenous people's Summit, Alternative Summit by NGOs, etc. and make an art by the papers collected from all over the world to be submitted to G8/ UN leaders.
A: Mountain hut, forest center, public building, etc. Be ready to simple conditions! Often Cooked by volunteers
LOCATION: Some places of Hokkaido (Toyako, Nibutani, Noboribetsu, etc. and possibly Sapporo for one day). We will move a lot that is hard, but also can enjoy many sights.
TERMINAL: Sapporo (3 hours by bus or train from Toyako)
GENERAL REMARKS: Only vols. from G8 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, UK, USA).
Participants need to be ready to enjoy a very hard schedule to move the places (sometimes by bicycle!) and try to promote WTA in their countries beforehand with their sending organizations. Active members of Workcamp Organizations are specially welcome! Motivation letter is needed! Global warming. Bring some info! Exchange parties with indigenous people/ NGO activists/ youth, hot spring, etc.


dal: 18/07/2008 al: 25/07/2008
code: NICE/39
location: Aya (Miyazaki)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 6
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: nessuna
work: AGRI

PROJECT: Organized together with a local group formed for this project that mainly consists of the local organic farmers and staffs of Center to Promote Organic since 99. This town is quite famous for promoting organic farming. In spite of such wonderful natural heritages, the population has been decreased, especially children are very few, so the main problem of Aya today is aging. We aim to activate the area by workcamps.
WORK: We will be divided into 2-3 groups, help local farmers such as cutting bushes and harvesting vegetables. We will prepare/ run/ clean the local summer festival. There are possibilities to do some other community works.
ACCOMODATION: Public hall. Cooked by volunteers.
LOCATION: South east of Kyushu Island. About 190 km of Fukuoka. This town is quite famous for promoting organic farming and eco-tourism by leadership of the mayor and some others.
TERMINAL: Fukuoka (6 hours by bus). From Osaka, 11 hours by bullet train or 16 hours by midnight bus.
GENERAL REMARKS: Sports, exchange program with kids, etc. Interest in Japanese local community. Volunteers need to be able to ride a bicycle, and should not have any remarks on diet. Attractive city planning


dal: 20/07/2008 al: 16/08/2008
code: NICE/40
location: Kuromatsunai (Hokkaido)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 6
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: nessuna
work: KIDS

PROJECT: Organized together with Buna-no-mori Shizen Gakko (nature school with beech forests) since 03. BSG was started in 1998 to promote quality and quantity of ecological education for kids and run various kinds of kids programs. They have a summer vacation program around 27/07-15/08 with about 20-25 kids aged 8-15 where they enjoy canoe, playing in the coast and river, camping, etc. and want to put global colors which should grow understanding and passion to different cultures in those kids.
WORK: We will help to run this summer program by playing with kids, running cultural programs such as teaching your dance, songs, arts, sports, games, cooking, etc. and helping house works such as cleaning and cooking with professional staffs and other vols. You won't have much free time.
ACCOMODATION: Old school (you will sleep in the same rooms with the kids by turns). Cooking by volunteers.
LOCATION: South west of Hokkaido island. Full of beautiful nature with national reserve of beech forests, a river and wetland. Main industry is cattle farming.
TERMINAL: Sapporo (2 hours by express train). From Tokyo, 13 hours by bullet train or 32 hours by ship.
GENERAL REMARKS: Exchange parties, excursion, etc. High motivation to work with kids all day and to run outdoor activities is requested even in rain. Similar types of experience and Japanese speaking skill are welcome! Motivation letter is needed! Life of kids in each country to be introduced to the kids there.


dal: 20/07/2008 al: 31/08/2008
code: NICE/41
location: Yasuoka (Nagano)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 5
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: si
extrafee: nessuna
work: KIDS

PROJECT: Organized together with Green Wood (GW) since 07. GW is a local NPO established in 1993 to promote education of children by experience in nature. They run a school for students from cities, first aid classes, kids exchange projects in the northeast Asia and various types of children's nature experience camps for community planning. They have many staff members and also short term volunteers (for several days), but need a few longer term volunteers to run the summer program stably.
WORK: We will assist to run various types of 3-10 days children's summer camps such as playing with kids, managing safety, food and other stuffs, helping kids to cook, preparing and cleaning the places. We will be separated to each program to work with local staff, so don't expect to be there as a group.
ACCOMODATION: Tents in the camping site. Cooking cy volunteers with kids and the staff.
LOCATION: The south edge of Nagano prefecture and 80% of the village land is forests. 40% of 2,000 inhabitants are aged 65 or more. They have rich nature and a lot of fruit farms!
TERMINAL: Tokyo, 5-6 hours by highway bus and slow train
GENERAL REMARKS: Various enjoyable programs with children, exchange parties, etc. Very high motivation to work with kids all day and run outdoor activities even in rain. Good Japanese language and a motivation letter is needed! You are welcome to come even earlier. Kids play scheme in each country.


dal: 23/07/2008 al: 25/08/2008
code: NICE/42
location: Kodomo-mura 1(Oita)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 6
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: nessuna
work: KIDS

PROJECT: Organized since 98 together with Kodomo-mura Project. They run Summer Vacation Kids Program called " Kodomo-mura" (Kids Village = KV) with 30 kids aged 8-15 every year where they play, cook and live in the nature as they plan to grow their independence, sensitivity, group cooperation, and want to put global colors which grow understanding and passion toward different cultures. We need to be ready to spend 24 hours with them for this period except some free days.
W: We will first have an orientation to understand the aims and the objectives. Then, we will help and live together with kids in KV such as supporting activities, teaching songs, sleeping and showing your culture. The kids will try to plan the schedule by themselves, so you will need to respect their ways!
ACCOMODATION: A community center and Tents. Cooking by volunteer but sometimes meals are provided.
LOCATION: Small village in the mountains, in the very center of Kyushu Island.
TERMINAL: Fukuoka. From Osaka, 9 hours by bullet train or 12 hours by midnight bus.
GENERAL REMARKS: Excursion, exchange parties, etc. Volunteers should love kids and speak/ understand some Japanese language. Responsibilities, group cooperativeness and motivation are necessary! Specialist of games, songs, cooks & similar types of experience is very welcome. Motivation letter is needed! Life of kids in each country and its activities.


dal: 24/07/2008 al: 03/08/2008
code: NICE/43
location: Shirakami 4 (Aomori)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 7
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: nessuna
work: KIDS

PROJECT. Organized together with Shirakami Nature School (SNS). For the background of Mt.Shirakami, please see NICE/33! They have a summer vacation program with 25 kids aged 7-12 where they play, cook and live in the nature as they plan to grow their independence, sensitivity, group cooperation, and want to put global colors which grow understanding and passion toward different cultures. We need to be ready to spend 24 hours with them during this period except some free days.
WORK: We will first have an orientation to understand the aims and the objectives. Then, we will help and live together with kids all the time in the summer program, such as supporting activities, teaching songs, sleeping and showing your culture, performance. You need to respect their ways!
ACCOMODATION: A very simple house. Cooked by volunteers.
LOCATION: The Shirakami Mountains, located in the northern part of Honshu Island, is a huge mountainous area (130,000 hectares on the border between Aomori and Akita Prefectures).
TERMINAL: Tokyo (7 hours by bullet train or 10 hours by bus)
GENERAL REMARKS: Excursion of Mt. Shirakami, exchange parties, etc. Volunteers should love kids and speak/ understand some Japanese language. Responsibilities, group cooperativeness and motivation are necessary! Specialist of games, songs, cooks & similar types of experience is very welcome. Motivation letter is needed! Life of kids in each country and its activities


dal: 26/07/2008 al: 08/08/2008
code: NICE/44
location: Takane (Gifu)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 15
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: si
extrafee: nessuna
work: FEST

PROJECT: Organized together with a local government since 00. As well as many other mountain villages, depopulation is serious here. The population has been decreased to only 650, so they started to organize "the biggest bonfire festival in Japan" in late 90s but lack people to help preparation and running, so the workcamp has been appreciated as inevitable voluntary power for it. Also, elders who still maintain the landscape nearly alone in each area have been so happy to our activities with them!
WORK: We will 1) mainly help to prepare/ run/ clean the biggest bonfire festival (we may also make acrylic sponges and sell them to support other Asian countries!), 2) help elderly people by cutting fire woods and by working in the day-care center and 3) work in the corn fields, one of new special products.
ACCOMODATION: Village center. You will enjoy a hot spring every day near the center! Cookied by volunteers.
LOCATION: About 450 km west of Tokyo. The nearest town is Takayama, a popular tourist town with traditional streets and architectures. World heritage of Shirakawa-go is also not too far.
TERMINAL: Nagoya (3 hours by express train). From Tokyo, 5 hours by bullet train or 8 hours by bus.
GENERAL REMARKS: Exchange parties with the local youth group, visit to the junior high school. excursion, etc.
SR: Motivation to activate the village. Best practice to revive depopulated areas in each country and their networking.


dal: 27/07/2008 al: 09/08/2008
code: NICE/45
location: Showa-mura 1 (Fukushima)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 10
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: si
extrafee: nessuna
work: AGRI

PROJECT: Organized together with Terakoya-Hojyosha. They run an alternative school where they host kids who could not go to school because of many different reasons. This Showa-mura is a rural village and surrounded by rich nature, but has been facing on serious depopulation, and the number of vacant house and abandoned farms has been increasing rapidly. So, this group has been trying to restore and animating this area.
WORK: Helping local farms, flower farms, planning, preparing. They cultivate abandoned farms and repair abandoned school buildings, they want to develop these activities with volunteers. Participating in several local events.
ACCOMODATIO: Building in abandoned school. Cooking with other volunteers by turn.
LOCATION: Showa village, a small village in forest area, the population is about 19,000. There is a hot spring in the village.
TERMINAL: Tokyo ( 5 hours from Tokyo by bus)
GENERAL REMARKS: Excursion, exchange parties, etc. Interest in agriculture and the project of the workcamp. Organizing nature activities. Please bring some information of nature school in your country.


dal: 01/08/2008 al: 10/08/2008
code: NICE/47A
location: Un-nan A (Shimane)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 13
Età minima: 15 Età massima: 18
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: 130 should be paid on your arrivaL
work: AGRI

PROJECT: Organized together with a local group formed for this project since 06. We started an international teenage workcamp in Japan since 05, aiming to give them chances to understand about different cultures and build international friendship. In this area, the population has been decreased and especially, children are very few, so the main problem today is aging. We aim to activate this area by the global voluntary power!
WORK: We will help the local farmers by such as cutting bushes, harvesting vegetables together with them. We will also prepare/ run/ clean the local summer festival. There are possibilities to do some other community work.
ACCOMODATION: Public house. Cooked by volunteers.
LOCATION: Un-nan is located in the east part of Shimane prefecture, the area of highlands about 100 km from Matsue-city. It is a small city with the population of about 50,000.
TERMINAL: Osaka (5 hours by train). From Tokyo, 8 hours by bullet train or 12 hours by midnight bus.
GENERAL REMARKS: Exchange parties, excursions, sports festival, etc. The youth issues and education in each country.


dal: 01/08/2008 al: 10/08/2008
code: NICE/47B
location: Un-nan B (Shimane)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 5
Età minima: 20 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: nessuna
work: AGRI

PROJECT: Same as NICE/47A Unnan A. We would like to involve international adult volunteers as staff to make smoothly communication and exchange between teenager participants.
WORK: We will first have an orientation to understand the aims and the objectives. Then, in the workcamp, the adult volunteers will help and live together with teenager all the time such as supporting activities and showing your culture and organizing some of activities for intercultural learning.
S: The youth issues and education in each country. Bring some info.!
ACCOMODATION: Public house. Cooked by volunteers.
LOCATION: Un-nan is located in the east part of Shimane prefecture, the area of highlands about 100 km from Matsue-city. It is a small city with the population of about 50,000.
TERMINAL: Osaka (5 hours by train). From Tokyo, 8 hours by bullet train or 12 hours by midnight bus.
GENERAL REMARKS: Exchange parties, excursions, sports festival. Volunteers should like teenager and are very motivated to work with them all day. Similar type of experience is welcome! Motivation letter is needed!


dal: 02/08/2008 al: 16/08/2008
code: NICE/49
location: Ogata (Oita)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 10
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: nessuna
work: AGRI

PROJECT: Organized together with a local group formed for this project by various people, such as local governmental staff, organic farmers and many local people since 02. Ogata town is famous for the tulip and the population was 6,500, which is incorporated as Bungo-ono city. In spite of such wonderful natural heritages, the population has been decreased, especially children are very few, so the main problem of Ogata today is aging. We aim to activate the area by workcamps.
WORK: We will 1)be divided into 3-4 groups, help local farmers such as cutting bushes and harvesting Vegetable 2) join a kids' activity which is held for few days and 3) help to prepare, run and clean "the Kodai festival" that is a very traditional festival.
ACCOMODATION: Public hall. Cooked by volunteers.
LOCATION: Ogata is a very beautiful town. There is a big waterfall that is called "the Oriental Niadara falls". It is located near the border with Oita and Kumamoto prefectures.
TERMINAL: Fukuoka (5 hours by train & bus). From Osaka, 9 hours by bullet train or 13 hours by midnight bus.
GENERAL REMARKS: Exchange program with local people, hot spring, etc. Interest in nature, agriculture and the project of the workcamp. Effective cases to activate depopulated areas in each country.


dal: 02/08/2008 al: 17/08/2008
code: NICE/50
location: Namino (Kumamoto)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 12
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: si
extrafee: nessuna
work: AGRI

PROJECT: Organized together with a local group formed for this project by various people, such as local governmental staffs, craft man and farmers, since 98. The terrible religious Group "Oom", who caused a poison gas crime in Tokyo in 95, had try to live here BEFORE 95 though local people had been very against. Now, here is COMPLETELY SAFE, all of they have left away but the area is still damaged by a bad image, so they want to revive an activated community by utilizing international workcamps!
WORK: We will be divided into 4-5 groups, help local farmers such as cutting bushes and harvesting vegetable. We will prepare/ run/ clean the local summer festival. We will also join Kid's camp, which will be held in this village for few days.
ACCOMODATION: Walking Center (base for environmental education). Cooked by volunteers
LOCATION: Namino is a very beautiful village and in the center of Kyushu Island about 110km southeast of Fukuoka. It is located near the border with Oita and Kumamoto prefectures.
TERMINAL: Fukuoka (5 hours by train). From Osaka, 9 hours by bullet train or 13 hours by midnight bus.
GENERAL REMARKS: Home stay, hiking on the mountain, hot spring, etc. Interest in agriculture and the project of the workcamp. Activation of local communities by utilizing former school.


dal: 03/08/2008 al: 16/08/2008
code: NICE-MOVE/51
location: Klang 3 (* Malaysia)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 15
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: 65 to be paid on your arrivals
work: KIDS

PROJECT: Organized together with Malaysian Organization of Voluntary Exchange (MOVE) and a spastic school for mentally challenged kids since 2005. The school where the leader of MOVE works did not want to host volunteers since Malaysian medical students are reluctant to have close contact with the kids, but changed the idea after seeing behaviors of Japanese vols. in 2005! We aim to stimulate on their life and improve their communication skills as well as supporting the teachers. Kids are so cute!
WORK: We'll assist the teachers in the school by helping their lessons as well as organizing to songs, games, drawing, swimming, handicraft, excise, etc. We may also help maintenance of the school such as improving the vegetable garden made by the past workcampas.
ACCOMODATION: Room in the School. SB! CV
LOCATION: Port town, not far from Kuala Lumpur where there are many Indian population
TERMINAL: Kuala Lumpur (1 hour by train)
GENERAL REMRKS: Exchange parties, excursion, swimming in the pool, home stay in the local house nearby, etc. Those who likes children and has high motivation to work with them. You also need to respect local cultures and ways. Experience of workcamps and similar type of voluntary service are welcome! Situation of mentally challenged kids and Sister Special School Project.


dal: 04/08/2008 al: 18/08/2008
code: NICE/52
location: Hanawa (Fukushima)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 18
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: nessuna
work: FEST

PROJECT: Organized together with KOBOSHA, a local NPO for community planning since 96. We joined the summer festival called "TORO NAGASHI" that is a memorial service for an ancestor by making a lantern and floating to a river. It is one of the traditional festivals in JAPAN. We will make large TORO (2 x 2 meters) for the festival in this workcamp. We aim to activate the area by workcamps. Locals have been encouraged to improve and to be proud of their community through past workcamps!
WORK: We will mainly help and join the festival by making four big lanterns "TORO" (2 x 2 meters) and hundreds of small lanterns together with local students. You can design big "TORO" with your ideas for this festival. It will be physically hard work.
ACCOMODATION: Public Sports Center. Cooked by volunteers
LOCATION: It is located at the south part of Fukushima (about 150 km north from Tokyo), small town, 80% of which are forests, about 150 km north of Tokyo.
TERMINAL: Tokyo, 5 hours by slow train
GENERAL REMARKS: Home stay, sports, exchange parties, etc. Interest in making big lanterns "TORO", Japanese culture and working with locals!! Unique festivals in each country.


dal: 04/08/2008 al: 17/08/2008
code: NICE/53
location: Unzen (Nagasaki)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 18
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: nessuna
work: KIDS

PROJECT: Organized together with Unzen Social Welfare (a kind of half-governmental) Association since 94. The workcamp used to be "Minami-takaki (with the next town)", until we started only in Kunimi town independently, which is incorporated as Unzen city. The past workcamps were quite successful to encourage Summer Volunteer School (SVS) that are held for 3 days to promote volunteering and international friendships with 100 kids aged 10-18, and also helping a local summer festival since 00.
WORK: We will 1) work with the volunteer club of the 20 local girls and boys within the ages of 10 to 15 by helping for the elderly and disadvantaged people such as wheelchair users, etc., 2) care for elderly people at nursing-care facility and 3) work together with local volunteer groups.
ACC0MODATION: Social Welfare Center where we also have day-care facility. SB! Mostly MP
LOCATION: Small town, about 80 km east of Nagasaki, a very famous symbolic place against nuclear war. This town is very famous for football in Japan.
TERMINAL: Fukuoka (3 hours by train/ ferry). From Osaka, 7 hours by bullet train or 13 hours by midnight bus
GENERAL: Home stay for a few days, exchange parties, etc. Motivation to work with them. If you can speak some or good Japanese, it will be good! Current volunteer activities by kids in your country.


dal: 12/08/2008 al: 20/08/2008
code: NICE/56
location: Shirakami 5 (Aomori)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 5
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: nessuna
work: KIDS

PROJECT. Organized together with Shirakami Nature School (SNS). For the background of Mt.Shirakami, please see NICE/33! They have a summer vacation program with 25 kids aged 7-12 where they play, cook and live in the nature as they plan to grow their independence, sensitivity, group cooperation, and want to put global colors which grow understanding and passion toward different cultures. We need to be ready to spend 24 hours with them during this period except some free days.
WORK: We will first have an orientation to understand the aims and the objectives. Then, we will help and live together with kids all the time in the summer program, such as supporting activities, teaching songs, sleeping and showing your culture, performance. You need to respect their ways!
ACCOMODATION: A very simple house. Cooked by volunteers.
LOCATION: The Shirakami Mountains, located in the northern part of Honshu Island, is a huge mountainous area (130,000 hectares on the border between Aomori and Akita Prefectures).
TERMINAL: Tokyo (7 hours by bullet train or 10 hours by bus)
GENERAL REMARKS: Excursion of Mt. Shirakami, exchange parties, etc. Volunteers should love kids and speak/ understand some Japanese language. Responsibilities, group cooperativeness and motivation are necessary! Specialist of games, songs, cooks & similar types of experience is very welcome. Motivation letter is needed! Life of kids in each country and its activities


dal: 12/08/2008 al: 25/08/2008
code: NICE/57
location: Kitakyushu (Fukuoka)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 8
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: nessuna
work: KIDS

PROJECT: Organized together with Kitakyushu Seinen Mirai Juku (KSMJ) since 07. Since the first Japanese large-scale steel manufacture factory was completed in Kitakyushu, the population has been increased and the town has developed since 1901. However, today the city centers is getting lifeless because of decline of the local industries. KSMJ would like to activate the town by youth and global voluntary power. The workcamp will be coordinated by the local youth, especially an active member of NICE.
WORK: We will join a Kid's camp for a few days and help and live together with kids all the time such as supporting activities and showing your culture, performance. We will also try to involve a lot of people and hold an event for activation of the shopping street.
ACCOMODATON: Shinto shrine. Cooked by volunteers.
LOCATION: The north part of Kyushu where the population is one million people.
TERMINAL: Fukuoka (1 hour by train). From Osaka, 3 hours by bullet train or 10 hours by midnight bus.
GENERAL REMARKS: Excursion, exchange parties, etc. Volunteers should love kids and speak/ understand some Japanese language. Responsibilities, group cooperativeness and motivation are necessary! Specialist of games, songs, cooks & similar types of experience is very welcome. Motivation letter is needed! Activation of the shopping street.


dal: 14/08/2008 al: 28/08/2008
code: NICE/58
location: Fuji (Shizuoka)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 20
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: si
extrafee: nessuna
work: ENVI

PROJECT: Organized together with Chuo National Youth House (CNYH) since 05. CNYH is a social education facility, which aims to educate youth through a variety of group activities, experiences and study. It is located in the foot in Mt. Fuji that has been a popular tourism spot for a long time ago. However, a beautiful virgin forest that exists widely in Mt. Fuji has been lost by garbage that the tourist leaves and the illegal disposal. We will activate this project as a fresh wind.
W: We will do cleaning activity of Mt. Fuji with a local group that consists of 30 Japanese university students and local motivate people and construct volunteer House to promote voluntary activities. We will also help local farmers near the workcamp site.
ACCOMODATION: Volunteer House. Cookied by volunteers.
LOCATION: Mt. Fuji is 3,776m high and is the highest mountain in Japan situated at the border of southeastern Yamanashi and Shizuoka. It is the world famous symbol of Japan.
TERMINAL: Tokyo (90 min by bullet train or 3 hours by slow train)
GENERAL REMARKS: Mt.Fuji climbing, exchange parties, sports, etc. Motivation to actively work and with local people! The future plan of beautiful mountains in the world and their networking.


dal: 14/08/2008 al: 31/08/2008
code: NICE/59
location: Ogi (Niigata)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 6
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: nessuna
work: ENVI

PROJECT: Organized together with "Morito", a local voluntary group in Sado Island since 01. They take care of the school forest called "Furusato-no-mori Park" in Ogi town, the south part of the Island. It gives local people many opportunities to enjoy themselves in the forest at each season. Now, they are trying to focus on caring for the forest with local people. They expect youth and foreign volunteers to activate the area mentally and physically.
WORK: We will participate in the art festival called "Earth Celebration" and sell soba (Japanese noodle) with local people. Also, we will work in the school forests by such as cutting bushes and create recreation program for local kids to experience in local forest. Part of Greening Asia.
ACCOMODATION: Tents. Cooked by volunteers
LOCATON: 300 km north-east of Tokyo. Sado Island is famous for gold and Japanese crested ibis. Ogi is in the southern part beside from the beach, so you can enjoy fishing and hot spring there!
TERMINAL: Tokyo (6 hours by bullet train and ferry from Naoetsu port)
GENERAL REMARKS: Exchange parties, excursion, fishing, etc . Some Japanese language skills since the camp language will be JAPANESE! Those who have experience to join nature programs with kids are welcome. Unique festivals in each country.


dal: 15/08/2008 al: 29/08/2008
code: NICE/60
location: Taishi-Tonda (Osaka)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 10
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: si
extrafee: nessuna
work: ENVI

PROJECT: Organized together with local NPOs, "Association to protect nature in Tondabayashi" and" Hamuro club". Though 70% of Japanese lands are forests, huge forests are wasted since imported wood is much cheaper. Once we take care of forests, it's better to take care of it for various ecology than just to leave it. As most members of this NPO are middle-aged, they expect our participation in itself. We will try to revive it in the global voluntary power!
WORK: We will work at 2 different forests. In "NICE Forest" where we also often have weekend workcamps, we will cut and clear trees, make trails, cut grasses and make a steps for footpath in an abandon rice field. Part of Greening Asia.
ACCOMODATION: Very simple renovated house, last 7 days very simple log house which local people made by themselves. Cooking with firewood. SB! CV
LOCATION: 60 km south of Osaka, but full of nature near the workplace
GENERAL REMARKS: Exchange parties, experiencing Japanese cultures, home stay, etc. Interest to protect nature and to exchange with people. Adaptable to enjoy simple life! Similar kind of activities about forest in each country.


dal: 16/08/2008 al: 29/08/2008
code: NICE/61
location: Hoshino (Fukuoka)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 10
Età minima: Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: si
extrafee: nessuna
work: ENVI

PROJECT: Organized together with a local group formed for this project by various groups such as a forestry cooperative, a local youth group etc. This village has got the 1st prize at the national contests for beautiful stars in the sky and for shelves of rice fields. In spite of such wonderful natural heritage, depopulation of especially youth are serious here as well as many other country sides in Japan. We aim to help nature conservation and to activate the area by workcamps.
WORK: We will work in the forests by such as cutting bushes. As we will contribute to nature conservation in Hoshino with global voluntary power, our movement will eventually lead to a greener world. We will also visit schools to raise awareness to protect nature! Part of Greening Asia.
ACCOMODATION: A community center. SB! CV
LOCATION: Small village surrounded by mountains, about 50 km southeast of Fukuoka. There was a national Summit (conference) for protecting beautiful shelves of rice fields in 2000.
TERMINAL: Fukuoka (2 hours by train & car). From Osaka, 6 hours by bullet train or 12 hours by midnight bus.
GENERAL REMARKS: Home stay, watching stars, exchange parties, etc. Interest to protect nature and to exchange with people. Adaptable to enjoy simple life! Effective cases to activate depopulated areas in each country.


dal: 16/08/2008 al: 30/08/2008
code: NICE-VYA/62
location: Taishi 2 (* Taiwan)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 15
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: nessuna
work: KIDS

PROJECT: Organized together with Vision Youth Action (VYA) and Taishi Hong-En charity Organization. The very first project was held in 2007 in Taishi successfully, so local residents advised VYA turn it into a regular activity. Hong-En offers a free afterschool tutoring project for local children from single-parent, Asian wife and grand parenting families since 2002. These children are socially and economically disadvantaged, short of financial aids and learning resources.
WORK: We will help to organize some activities (such as English teaching, music class or sport playing) and cook lunch for children. We will also renovate Hong-En's office building by coloring the wall, cleaning up and cutting the grass around the buildings, and redesign the space allocation for kids.
ACCOMODATION: Local district civil hall/ home stay. SB! Often MP and CV in some cultural exchange events.
LOCATION: A small fishing village in Yun-Lin County, locating on the middle-western coast of Taiwan. For the additional information about Taishi, see NICE-VYA/48!
TERMINAL: Tao-Yuan international airport. 4 hours of bus away from Taishi (about NTD$ 400, passengers may need to transfer in Taichung to get to Taishi or take bus from Taipei directly)
GENERAL REMARKS: Excursion, exchange parties with local people, eco-tourism (optional), night market, etc. High motivation for learning and respect to local culture. Chinese language and artistic skills are welcomed but not necessarily required! Development process and future prospect of their motherland.


dal: 17/08/2008 al: 30/08/2008
code: NICE-MOVE/63
location: Julau 3 (* Malaysia)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 15
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: 65 to be paid on your arrivals
work: CONS

PROJECT: Organized since 2005 together with Chabu Long House and Malaysian Organization of Voluntary Exchange (MOVE) Sarawak. The area and the indigenous people, Iban, have very rich nature and culture by collective life in long houses, but young people go to he cities by lack of jobs and also by that their richness is not valued in this modern civilization. The workcamps have been welcomed by the local people very much and we aim to activate this depopulated mountain communities with them!
WORK: We will help to improve infrastructure of the long house (possibly paving the drainage which was dug by the past workcamps and/ or reconstructing the animal houses for chicken and pigs). We will also sometimes join the work of our host families such as cultivation of pepper fields and rubber tapping.
S: Future plan of the long house. Bring some info.!
ACCOMODATION: Home stay in the long houses (1-2 vols. in each family) with bathing in the river. SB! CV
LOCATION: A small village in the jungle of Sarawak Island. 45 minutes by 4W car from the nearest town and we can enjoy to exchange with local cheerful people of minority race.
TERMINAL: Kuching (6 hours by boat and car)
GENERAL REMARKS: Exchange parties with Iban dance and drink, jungle trekking and barbeque, school visit, etc. Volunteers need to arrive at Kuching by the night before the starting day and can leave there after 21:00 of the last day.


dal: 18/08/2008 al: 27/08/2008
code: NICE/64
location: Kamakura (Kanagawa)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 10
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: nessuna
work: KIDS

PROJECT: Organized together with Happy Kids Team (HKT) in NICE and an orphanage, Kamakura Children Home (KCH) since 04. HKT was started in 2004 since Child abuse was getting more serious years by years, so they organize weekend workcamps 1) every month in KCH, 2) 1-2 times a year for families (to prevent further abuse) and 3) 3-4 times for the foster family association by playing with their children while the parents are joining the seminars. They have monthly meeting in the office to study the issue.
WORK: We will work in KCH mainly to prepare/ run/ clean up their bon dance festival (you will also practice and show some performance together in the stage!) and also do some other things like farming/ playing/ studying with the children many of who are ex. abused kids.
ACCOMODATION: Church. Cooked by volunteers.
LOCATION: 30 km from Yokohama. Kamakura is an old capital city of Japan in the 13th-15th centuries and has
a lot of attraction like old temples, green hills and a beach.
TERMINAL: Tokyo (60 min by slow train)
GENERAL: Exchange parties, one night home stay, excursions, etc. High motivatito work with the children with special background. Similar types of experience is welcome! Motivation letter is needed!. There are some possibilities to organize an optional weekend workcamp for families near Kamakura on 16-17 Aug. (to be informed in the information sheets)! Child abuse situation and activities in each country and global cooperation.


dal: 20/08/2008 al: 31/08/2008
code: NICE/66
location: Hinode (Tokyo)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 10
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: si
extrafee: nessuna
work: HANDI

PROJECT: Organized together with Hinode Taiyo no Ie (HTI), Home for mentally disadvantaged since 92. As HTI has been isolated from the local community since its beginning in 87 due to their prejudice, it actively opens the place to the people through the festivals, ceramic art, etc. and NICE also has been acting as a "bridge" between locals & HTI through weekend and international workcamps and LAMP. They also try to be an ecological institution and the surrounding mountains need to be maintained.
WORK: We will 1) work with mentally disadvantaged in the fields or the building for 2-3 days, 2) maintain the forests(we may make bamboo charcoals, Part of Greening Asia) and 3)exchange program with local kids to eradicate the prejudice.
ACCOMODATION: "Samurai House", the historically valuable for volunteers in HTI. Sleeping bag is not necessary. Cooked by volunteers. If you like traditional style of Japanese architecture, this will make you happy every day.
LOCATION: Mountain side with natural surroundings, about 50 km west of Tokyo.
TERMINAL: Tokyo (90 min by slow train)
GENERAL REMARKS: Exchange parties, hot spring, ceramic art, etc. Motivation to work with mentally disadvantaged people. If you can speak some or good Japanese, it will be good! We also recruit volunteers for LAMP (Long And Middle term voluntary Programs). Participation of disadvantaged people in each country.


dal: 22/08/2008 al: 06/09/2008
code: NICE/67
location: Shiojiri (Nagano)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 12
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: si
extrafee: nessuna
work: KIDS

PROJECT: Organized together with Educational Committee of Shiojiri city government since 06. The staff of the Committee has joined some workcamps and is an active member of NICE. The elementary schools in this city hold some classes for simple English conversation, but the children have rare opportunities to exchange with foreigners, especially non-native speakers of English. Also, we aim to introduce cultural diversity of the world as well as children's life in each country.
WORK: We will visit and organize the programs in 7-10 elementary schools (mostly, one day for each school) like introducing each culture, children's life, games/ music/ dance/ craft/ cooking, social issues, etc. We may be often spilt into some groups though we will do it sometimes all together.
ACCOMODATION: Public building. Cooked by volunteers.
LOCATION: Center in Nagano prefecture(north west of Tokyo)! High land surrounded by Japan Alps mountains and producing many kinds of fruits such as apple, grape, pear. Not so hot in summer.
TERMINAL: Tokyo (3-4 hours by highway bus).
GENERAL REMARKS: Exchange parties, sports, etc. Strong motivation in education and those who likes kids very much. Education in each country and future cooperation like Sister Schools Project.


dal: 22/08/2008 al: 06/09/2008
code: NICE/68
location: Wazuka (Kyoto)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 16
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: si
extrafee: nessuna
work: AGRI

PROJECT: Organized together with a society for the study of producing organic Japanese tea in Wazuka since 01. They are farmers some of who produce completely organic ones while the others do partly, but want to activate this area by tea in the future. The situation of organic farming in Japan is still difficult. We will understand tea, help them and try to involve more local people! Last year, we started to make a tea park that might become a symbol of Wazuka town in the future.
WORK: We will work to take care and think about tea garden, help their farming separated into some farm houses and organize a big one day event in Wazuka, which will involve local people in their redevelopment movement.
ACCOMODATION: Comfortable public house. Cooked by volunteers.
LOCATION: The most southern part of Kyoto, where is near the center of Kyoto and Nara which both are very historical and beautiful places. You should come here to see a lot of beautiful tea gardens!!
TERMINAL: Osaka (2 hours by train). From Tokyo, 3 hours by bullet train or 9 hours by midnight bus.
GENERAL REMARKS: Sports, exchange, parties, school visiting, Japanese tea ceremony, excursion, tea guessing game, etc. We aim to learn and tell about Wazeka tea and activate the area by tea. To be flexible/ adaptable. The proposal to the future plan of Wazuka and tea garden.


dal: 23/08/2008 al: 05/09/2008
code: NICE/69
location: Showa-mura 2 (Fukushima)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 10
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: si
extrafee: nessuna
work: AGRI

PROJECT: Organized together with Terakoya-Hojyosha. They run an alternative school where they host kids who could not go to school because of many different reasons. This Showa-mura is a rural village and surrounded by rich nature, but has been facing on serious depopulation, and the number of vacant house and abandoned farms has been increasing rapidly. So, this group has been trying to restore and animating this area.
WORK: Helping local farms, flower farms, planning, preparing. They cultivate abandoned farms and repair abandoned school buildings, they want to develop these activities with volunteers. Participating in several local events.
ACCOMODATIO: Building in abandoned school. Cooking with other volunteers by turn.
LOCATION: Showa village, a small village in forest area, the population is about 19,000. There is a hot spring in the village.
TERMINAL: Tokyo ( 5 hours from Tokyo by bus)
GENERAL REMARKS: Excursion, exchange parties, etc. Interest in agriculture and the project of the workcamp. Organizing nature activities. Please bring some information of nature school in your country.


dal: 23/08/2008 al: 06/09/2008
code: NICE/70
location: Satsuma (Kagoshima)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 8
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: si
extrafee: nessuna
work: ENVI

PROJECT: Organized together with Eco Link Association (ELA). ELA wants to create a sustainable society through environmental preservation and achieving harmonious coexistence of nature and humans. They manage a forest equestrian club by utilizing the advantages of rich nature. They have a horse-riding classroom for various people such as local kids and disadvantage people. They want to activate this town by using this facility, so we will try to give our global voluntary power!
WORK: We will do the various works needed in the ELA and area such as making nature trail and construction work. We will also do some forest work such as cutting trees, cutting branches. We will join the horse riding activates. Part of Greening Asia.
ACCOMODATION: Local house and pension. Cooked by volunteers.
LOCATION: South part of Kyushu island with rich nature. People are cheerful and many man like to drink sake!!
TERMINAL: Fukuoka (3 hours by train). From Osaka, 6 hours by bullet train or 12 hours by midnight bus.
GENERAL REMARKS: Excursion, exchange parties, etc. Interest to protect nature and to exchange with people. Local participation to protect nature and Greening Asia.


dal: 31/08/2008 al: 14/09/2008
code: NICE/73
location: Onuma (Hokkaido)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 10
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: SI
extrafee: nessuna
work: ENVI

PROJECT: Organized together with Onuma Milestone 22, a new local NGO made by President of Fishermen's Cooperative and Director of international exchange association since 04. Though Onuma lake has been a popular tourism spot for a long time because of its beautiful scenery, it has been polluted by over use of agricultural chemicals in cattle farming and erosion from abandoned forests with non-native trees. President of Cooperative has bought a forest and wants to revive it to original nature with native trees!
WORK: We will mainly cut alien trees that disturb growth of other plants and animals. We will also put some stones along the bank of a few islands in the lake to protect from the waves made by motor boatsfor tourism as well as check the pollution with some specialists. Part of Greening Asia.
ACCOMODATION: Cabin. Cooked by volunteers.
LOCATION: South of Hokkaido island, in a national park near Hakodate city which is famous for romantic view in the night, especially for sweet couples!
TERMINAL: Sapporo (3 hours by express train). From Tokyo, 10 hours by bullet train or 30 hours by ship.
GENERAL REMARKS: Excursion, exchange parties, one night home-stay, school visit, sports, etc.Motivation to actively work in the forests and with local people! There will be also a 3 months workcamp in 20 Jul.-11 Oct. with 4 volunteers who will join this one. 100 years plan of the forests and sustainable town planning.


dal: 02/09/2008 al: 15/09/2008
code: NICE/74
location: Tokyo-ko (Tokyo)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 12
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: si
extrafee: nessuna
work: ENVI

PROJECT: Organized together with Green Volunteers of Tokyo Port (GVTP), since 98. Because construction plan was delayed, a reclaimed land became one of valuable natural place in Tokyo Bay with some ponds and many plants, so various kinds of birds gather there. It became a park in 1989 and GVTP has been improving ecological conditions and guide visitors to promote ecological awareness. NICE is working with them very successfully by international and weekend workcamps!
WORK: We will mainly remove mud from the pond, so their functions can be more active and more fish/ plants/ insects can live there. This work needs to be done in a short time by many volunteers that cannot be done only by the members of GVTP most of who have their jobs. Part of Greening Asia.
ACCOMODATION: Office building in the pack. Cooked by volunteers.
LOCATION: Near Haneda (not Narita!) Airport in the central part of Tokyo. Though the park was originally artificial nature, has become valuable place for many birds and plants!
GENERAL REMARKS: Exchange parties with GVTV members (maybe, barbeque!), excursions, etc.Motivation to work hard for nature. Global environment and Greening Asia.


dal: 05/09/2008 al: 16/09/2008
code: NICE/75
location: Kutcharo-ko (Hokkaido)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 10
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: si
extrafee: nessuna
work: ENVI

PROJECT: Newly organized together with Kutcharo-ko Eco-workers, a new local NGO. Kutcharo-ko is beautiful lake in the north of Hokkaido registered in Ramsar Convention. It should be protected lake of international importance because of its high biodiversity and critical role as feeding and roosting site for Bird flying toward Siberia. However, the lake begins to be dirty by the change in a surrounding environment. We aim to revive this lake by international volunteer power.
WORK: We will do various types of conservation works such as cutting glasses to improve ecological richness of the forest, planting trees with the villagers for the water quality purification. We will also help to prepare, run, join and clean up the Student Environmental Summit. Part of Greening Asia.
ACCOMIODATION: Public community center. Cooked by volunteers.
LOCATION: North of Hokkaido island, in a national park North Okhotsk. -20 degree in winter and 20 in summer.
TERMINAL: Sapporo (5 hours by bus). From Tokyo, 13 hours by bullet train or 32 hours by ship.
GENERAL REMARKS: Excursion, exchange parties, one night home-stay, etc. Motivation to actively work in the forests and with local people! 100 years plan of the forests and sustainable town planning.


dal: 10/09/2008 al: 21/09/2008
code: NICE/78
location: Minami-Uonuma (Niigata)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 10
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: si
extrafee: nessuna
work: ENVI

PROJECT: Organized together with Japan National Trust since 95. JNT was founded in 1968 and buys lands to protect nature and cultural heritage such as old temples and trains, beautiful beaches, etc. It has been conserving Mt. Makihata (1,967m) for 30 years where wild life & landscapes have been damaged by tourists though still very beautiful. We have activated this project as a fresh wind (e.g. some local climbers were surprised to see foreign volunteers' working and joined cleaning.)
WORK: We will collect seeds, maintain natural trails, revive ponds etc. on Mt. Makihata. Part of Greening Asia. We will also visit schools to raise awareness and actions for the local kids to protect nature in their own area and help local farmers such as harvesting vesitables one day.
ACCOMODATION: Tents or a mountain hut in the 1st week and a community center in the 2nd. Cooked by volunteers.
LOCATION: Mountainous, agricultural town about 170 km north of Tokyo. Famous for the best sake and rice! The top you stay in the 1st week is a kind of paradise with millions of stars!
TERMINAL: Tokyo (2 hours by bullet train or 4 hours by slow train)
GENERAL REMARKS: Exchange parties, excursion, etc. You need to be physically tough enough to climb up the mountain and also to like kids. Protection of mountains in each country and Greening Asia.


dal: 10/09/2008 al: 24/09/2008
code: NICE/79
location: Shintoku (Hokkaido)
country: JP
lingua: inglese
Numero di volontari: 8
Età minima: 18 Età massima: nessun limite
Copertura assicurativa: si
extrafee: nessuna
work: AGRI

PROJECT: Organized together with Kyodo Gakusha since 98, a cooperative community where people with various backgrounds such as mentally disadvantaged, people who are tired of city life, who wants to learn farming or just want to live in the nature. They have five communities in Tokyo, Nagano and Hokkaido and grow animals and vegetables in ecological, organic way with utilizing bacterium. Their cheese got the 1st prize in the global contest! We will encourage their practice and share the spirit.
WORK: We will maintain a forest trail and a camping site and help construction of men's dormitory with the supervision of the specialists. They need us since they are too busy for daily works. We will also work in vegetable and Japanese noodle fields (taking weeds, planting and harvesting).
ACCOMODATION: The community (female and male are separated). Cooked by volunteers together with the people.
LOCATION: Agricultural country side, 120 km east of Sapporo. -20 degree in winter and 20 in summer.
TERMINAL: Sapporo (2 hours by express train). From Tokyo, 13 hours by bullet train or 32 hours by ship.
GENERAL REMARKS: School visit, foot ball with local teams, exchange parties, etc. Interest and motivation to work and live in this type of community. Respect to their life. They also recruit volunteers for LAMP (Long And Middle term voluntary Programs). Similar types of communities in each country and networking.
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